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#42 Exploring Chinese Wedding (Test)

Explore Chinese wedding traditions in our Mandarin lessons. Learn wedding etiquette, from do's and don'ts to popular greeting phrases. Master essential language skills for attending Chinese weddings, ensuring cultural sensitivity and enriching your Mandarin proficiency.

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2023年10月13日 19:00 – GMT-4 20:30



Appetizer (30 mins) - Introduction to New Words & Phrases

We'll introduce you to a set of new vocabulary specifically related to weddings. These words will include essential terms like "marry," "wedding," "groom," and "bride." Additionally, we'll teach you popular wedding greeting phrases commonly used in Chinese weddings. This foundational language learning will equip you with the linguistic tools to navigate and participate in wedding-related conversations.

Main Course (30 mins) - Now, Let's Practice

You'll have the chance to put your Mandarin skills to practical use within wedding contexts. You'll learn how to extend wedding invitations in Mandarin, allowing you to actively engage in inviting people to attend weddings. Furthermore, you'll master the art of greeting the groom, the bride, and their respective families using culturally appropriate phrases. In addition, we'll explore the topic of dressing appropriately for weddings, ensuring that you're well-prepared for any wedding-related situation.

Dessert (30 mins) - Open Discussions

We'll delve into the fascinating world of wedding traditions, both in China and around the world. We'll explore the nuances of various customs, from the ceremony itself to post-wedding celebrations. You'll gain a deeper understanding of what is considered proper etiquette when attending weddings, including customs you should follow and any taboos to avoid. These discussions will not only enhance your Mandarin conversational skills but also broaden your cultural awareness regarding weddings.


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